Monday, 31 December 2012

This little piggie ...

So, here is 2013. Bit of a letdown so far!

I was booked for a nursing shift this morning. I was supposed to start at 7am and finish at 7:30pm. Through my nursing agency, the agreement is that I get a two hour notice of a cancelled shift. So 5am came and went - no text message to tell me it was cancelled. So I get ready for work, and leave at 5:30am. As I'm half way to to hospital, I get a text message telling me the shift was cancelled and the late notice was because "the mobile phone wasn't working." Uncool. Technically I should be paid for two hours work because of the late notice - but who pays? The hospital? The agency? None of them will, so I'm out of work and p'ed off!


So instead of going back to bed, I thought that I'd go for a run. Off I go, facing my fears of running in public because I'm still so self conscious. I'm running, getting into a groove, feeling pretty good. Then I turn onto a main road, and about half way down the road some random mean guy drives past me and calls out, "Keep running, you fat pig!!"

Flying Pig Crew

Gutted. Devastated.

So what do I do? I turn around and run home. With my tail between my legs.

Now I'm home, typing this blog post and I'm not angry at the mean guy who said that. I'm angry at myself for letting that ***** into my bubble and affecting me so much. Why should his own issues and his need to belittle people for his own benefit make me question my own abilities and my own goals? Why does he get to win?

He won't. I'm going back out there this afternoon and I will finish my run. I will not let him beat me.

Don't give up!


  1. What the hell??!!! Quiet obvisouly the man has little dick syndrome.
    Keep your head held high honey, you are fabulous.

  2. I applaud you for getting back out there!! Well done honey!
